Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Ho Ho Hoooooooooo Merry Christmas!!

Although, going to Jo-Ann's and Michael's the other day makes one think there's no holiday in between...

Can you believe if you want to buy Thanksgiving decor, you better get it BEFORE Halloween otherwise you won't be finding much but a few straggley looking things in the 70% off shelf!?!?!
I was highly disappointed when Kendall and I got the "green light" from Danny to go shopping and all we came up with was $19 worth of Thanksgiving stuff (leaf garland, a Funkin, a Halloween bat (it was too cute and ONLY $2), and a small bag of loose leaves). Two of those items aren't even Thanksgiving related, but I'm using the Funkin as a Thanksgiving decoration nonetheless.  The bat was a request by Kendall and I couldn't pass it up cause it was just so cute.  And I don't even LIKE stuffed animals... but that's another story.

Ok, so back to the whole Thanksgiving thing.
We are blessed again by getting to spend this holiday with Auntie Holly!! 
We also get to spend it with her new husband, Casey... who will be joining us this year!
It's gonna be a full house ;]

Most holidays are spent with Auntie Holly.... Easter, 4th of Julys, birthdays, Halloween... Thanksgiving.
Kendall has never known anything different and I think that's pretty frickin' amazing.
It's truly a blessing.
Kendall's 1st birthday
Anywho, it's been almost 3 years since we moved here, 
and that equals up to a lot of great memories spent with her.  
Before moving here in Feb 2010, I hadn't spent any of these holidays with her since probably college.  
Yeah. Like 1994ish?!?!
Going to an AF basketball game!!
So during this beautiful month of November, when that little holiday called Thanksgiving comes around, I can truly be thankful for so much.  Especially my little sister.
It's also a chance to hang out with one of my Bestest girlfriends, watch football, eat too much and giggle.  When we are together, I feel like a kid again laughing and making fun of each other.  
Of course, without all the fighting ;]
"VIP parking" for an AF football game
Auntie Holly, 
we are so thankful to have you right down the road.  
Thankful to spend holidays with you.  
Thankful to go to football and basketball games with you.  

Kendall and her other BFF
Thankful for you dropping in and having dance parties with us.
Thankful that you'd drop everything if we needed help.
And I'm so thankful that Kendall has such a close relationship with you...
We adore you!!
Kendall's 2nd birthday

We love you Sister Auntie!!

Ok, ok... let's get on with it.
While I'm being thankful...
I'm thankful every night that my daughter wants to say prayers with me.
I'm thankful for our families.
I'm thankful for our beautiful home.
I'm thankful for Danny's job that allows me to do my best work at home with Kendall.
I'm thankful that the Lord has given me almost 9 years with my Soul Mate.
I'm thankful that God gave me a daughter who has a great sense of humor 
and is just as crazy as I am.
I'm thankful for underground sprinklers.
I'm thankful for dance parties.
I'm thankful for our sweet neighbors, Tony & Lucy (they are like Kendall's adopted grandparents)
I'm thankful that President Obama was re-elected.
I'm thankful `for Starbucks.
I'm thankful for music and how it can change my attitude instantly.
I'm thankful that Papa Tom is feeling "better".
I'm thankful for Facebook and how I'm still connected to old friends and extended family.
I'm thankful for our good health.
I'm thankful that the Seahawks aren't tuuuuuuurrible.
I'm thankful for the time spent with our families in September.
I'm thankful for our pets Diva, Toothless & Flynn Rider... they really make our home better.
I'm thankful for my dearest friends who accept me for who I am.
I'm thankful for every day that God has allowed me to wake up again 
and be a better version of myself.

Happy Thanksgiving Everyone!
Now let's stop chit chatting and see some photos!!

Pumpkin Patch near Monument, CO
Daddy and his Girl

Kendall and her first carved pumpkin
Strawberry Shortcake!!

"Mean face" with Unko Casey

Halloween with Gramma and Papa!!

Wishing you all a blessed holiday with your family and friends.
I'm hoping to get one last post in before we leave for Christmas ;]
See you next month Washington State!!

Love and serenity to you,
Danny, Heather, Kendall, Diva, Toothless & Flynn Rider

In other news....

Happy birthday to niece Faith on November 13th!!

Happy Anniversary to the LOVE of my LIFE!!
7 glorious years of wedded bliss... 
9 years together.

I'm so lucky to have you as my partner in this life.  
To have you as my husband.  
To share this beautiful life we have as a team.  
You truly are "everything I never knew I always wanted". 
 I have done more in the past 9 years with you than I ever did by myself.  
I could go on forever Baaaaaaabe...
On November 14th, 2005 at 5:00 PM, 
in Las Vegas you made me the happiest girl in the world!!
Hubba hubba!!!

Happy birthday to my Bestie Karla on November 27th!!

Still waiting for my new nephew to be born to Lindsey, Johnny and Haley...
Any day now!!!!!!

On another note....

This year on my Mom's side of the family, we have decided to give to each other in a different way.  We usually do a Christmas Gift Exchange game, where
1) you get what you brought or 
2) you get something you don't want.  
Either way, it seemed a bit silly to continue to do this when we all have more than we need.
So, Crystal and Tony asked us all to give a gift to a charity or organization that we like.  
And of course we all agreed that that would be a fabulous idea... 
The Togiai/Kjarmo/Search/McMasters side of the family adopt a family for Christmas as well. 
Another wonderful way to celebrate the Season of Giving.

I would encourage you to do something similar.  
I can't tell you how wonderful it feels to give something to someone who truly needs it.  
Holly and I have chosen to donate money/toys through Jenn & Aaron Neer, who deliver donated toys and gifts to the children and families at Spokane's Children's Hospital who are there during Christmas.  Kendall will likely donate to an animal shelter or foster kids.  Find something you love and donate... 

"You don't choose your family.  They are Gods gift to you, as you are to them"
~Desmond Tutu

1 comment:

  1. We love catching up with your family - the lil man and I always have fun checking out your photos! Sending a big XO and 'Thank You' to the Cullier family and Holly and Casey for donating to Children's Hospital and encouraging others to find another way to give this season! It's amazing to see the selflessness and sense of community for those who really need! Happy November!
